Over the last couple of months, we’ve been working on making a number of significant updates to Fairwinds Insights. We’ve delivered some great new functionality that our Insights customers will definitely benefit from. It’s now easier to understand why an admission request was blocked, create bulk tickets for compliance purposes, export monthly Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs), discover the source of CVEs, and integrate with Microsoft Teams! Learn more about these new features now.
With more customers adopting AppGroups and PolicyMappings at scale, we wanted to make it easier for engineers to understand what AppGroup/PolicyMapping combination was responsible for admission denial and acceptance. This helps Insights users troubleshoot faster, increase security, and improve operational efficiency — minimizing errors and resulting in a more stable environment.
You can now easily create bulk tickets for Jira and other third-party ticketing integrations. This helps teams delegate and manage efforts for remediating issues in workloads that are in violation of SOC2, ISO 27001, the HIPAA Privacy Rule, or NSA Hardening Guidelines controls.
It’s now simple to get a detailed monthly snapshot of CVEs that have been introduced, fixed, and resolved by AppGroup. You can use this functionality both for compliance purposes and for internal security reviews.
Now you are able to check, filter, and sort the source of a given CVE on an image. This makes it easier to manage vulnerabilities and security hygiene. It can help you verify the availability of a fix more quickly and provide additional context about the CVE, enabling you to determine whether the CVE applies to your environment based on the conditions required for exploitation or known limitations. Filtering and sorting by source also makes it easier to track vulnerabilities and remediation efforts across different software components and vendors, as well as generate reports for security audits, compliance requirements, and internal communication.
Fairwinds Insights now offers a Microsoft Teams integration. This widely adopted group chat tool integration allows you to receive real time or daily digest updates to a specified channel. The integration also includes support for automation rules, so you can direct the flow of action items and alerts based on specific criteria.
Here are just a few of the enhancements and fixes that enable some of our bigger updates described above (and more on the way! Stay tuned!) .
Please reach out to us with any questions about Fairwinds Insights or how to manage Kubernetes at scale without putting additional stress on your internal development and operations teams. We’d be happy to walk through any questions you have about the latest functionality in Fairwinds Insights to help you take advantage of the new functionality we’re building. Please also consider joining the Fairwinds Community on Slack or the user group as well.
If you don’t want to spend time managing Kubernetes in-house, we also provide Managed Kubernetes-as-a-Service, a people-led service that builds, delivers, and maintains mission-critical Kubernetes infrastructure.
To stay up to date with Fairwinds Insights updates, read our release notes.