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KubeCrash Fall 2023: Multi-Cluster Deployments at Enterprise Scale

Written by Danielle Cook | Aug 18, 2023 5:35:23 PM

With KubeCon approaching fast (yes, November will be here before we know it), we’ve been preparing for KubeCrash, your cloud native warm-up! 

The team behind KubeCrash come from many different organizations with varying open source technology. The one thing we all see increasing in the space is how to handle multi-cluster deployments at enterprise scale. That’s why we have made the fall event about supporting our attendees in crash course content on the topic. 

KubeCrash is a virtual, free, and 100% open source-focused conference. On October 18th, you can attend any or all sessions where we tie clusters:

  • into a single network (Linkerd)

  • allow for automated cluster-wide certificate hierarchies (cert-manager)

  • enable cost-effective cross-cluster communications (Emissary-Ingress)

  • set up Kubernetes guardrails to avoid misconfiguration-based app failure (Polaris)

  • all while using a distributed database to ensure surviving failures of individual pieces (CockroachDB)

We'll move the stateful app from one cloud to another while achieving high availability and latency reduction in a multi-cloud setup. In short, we'll cover everything enterprise users need to know to get the most out of cooperative multi-cluster deployments, while keeping a handle on operational complexity and cost. 

Join us to get practical advice from project maintainers on how to implement a cooperative multi-cluster deployment with open source tools, and hear from practitioners who'll share pitfalls and lessons learned. 

Look also forward to several lighting talks on various CNCF initiatives and why they matter, including the CNCF Deaf and Hard of Hearing Working Group and TAG Sustainability.

Partners for Good: Deaf Kids Code

While we are offering crash courses on cloud native, we decided to also raise money for Deaf Kids Code. We'll donate $1 for each KubeCrash registration to the non-profit. 

The risk of under- or unemployment of deaf and hard of hearing individuals is significantly higher than for hearing adults — a discrepancy that is purely based on communication barriers. Today, computing has become a bridge, providing a streamlined way to interact, creating lots of new opportunities. Deaf Kids Code's goal is to promote, inspire, and empower deaf and hard of hearing children to innovate through the world of programming. A wonderful initiative that pursues very similar goals to the CNCF Deaf and Hard of Hearing Working Group which was initiated by one of the KubeCrash co-founders.

The KubeCrash program

Come prepared for a schedule packed with great content and actionable insights directly from thought leaders and the teams that maintain some of the ecosystem's most popular open source projects. 

Wednesday, October 18  (4 pm CET | 10 am ET | 7 am PT)

Opening keynote (to be announced)

Lighting talks:

  • Inclusion Matters: Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Cloud Native and Open Source
  • CNCF TAG Sustainability Co-Chair 

Main session:

  • Cooperating Clusters: Linkerd’s new take on multi-cluster
  • Emissary-Ingress for multi-cluster: Who are you and where are you going?
  • Simplifying Multi-Cluster Identities with cert-manager
  • End user panel discussion
  • Achieving Resilience and Efficiency with Kubernetes in a Multi-Cloud Environment
  • Kubernetes Best Practices at Scale: Apply Consistency Across Multi-Clusters
  • Building Mission-critical, Multi-region Applications with CockroachDB

Lighting talks:

  • Cloud Native Sustainability: A New Frontier 
  • CNCF Platform Working Group

Closing keynote (to be announced)

Check out the program page for more details. 

Join us on October 18

Join us on Wednesday, October 18,  for a specifically curated set of sessions, each led by a project maintainer, from projects covering modern multi-cloud deployments. It will be live, interactive, and fun. Register today