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Polaris, Open Source Configuration Validation, Now in ValidKube

Written by Robert Brennan | Mar 29, 2022 1:30:00 PM

Fairwinds’ open source project, Polaris, helps users configuring workloads ensure Kubernetes best practices are followed. Contributing to the open source and Kubernetes community is a core value of Fairwinds. It is one of the reasons we are excited that our friends at Komodor have now integrated Polaris into ValidKube

ValidKube combines the best open-source tools to help ensure Kubernetes YAML best practices, hygiene & security. Users can validate Kubernetes configuration files, remove clutter from manifests, scan for vulnerabilities and now with Polaris, check for best practices and potential security issues in their YAML. 

Run Polaris in multiple clusters, track results over time and integrate with Slack, Datadog, and Jira with Fairwinds Insights, software to standardize and enforce development best practices. It's free to use! Compare Polaris and Insights.

Polaris runs a series of checks that audit the YAML manifests and identifies configuration issues, which is exactly what happens if you use it to audit the YAML within ValidKube.


Outside of ValidKube, Polaris can be run in as a dashboard, an Admission Controller or a command-line tool. The Admission Controller can be set to reject workloads that don’t pass certain criteria.

If you are interested in learning more, you can register to join the Fairwinds’ Open Source User Group. The next meeting is this Wednesday, March 30, 2022. Sign up to receive an invite.