Originally recorded on Monday Mar 21, 2022
1 PM ET / 11 AM PT
Featured presenters:
Robert Brennan, Director of R&D and Technology - Fairwinds
Governance refers to the ability of operations teams to verify and enforce certain rules across departments, groups or the entire organization. In the Kubernetes context, that means enforcing rules across Kubernetes clusters as well as applications running in those clusters.
There are two governance dimensions: policy scope (where a specific rule should be applied, enforced or verified) and policy targets (what should be enforced and verified). IT teams today need to define a Kubernetes governance framework based on best practices that can be enabled using a wide range of tools and platforms.
Join us as our panel of experts led by Techstrong Group CCO Mike Vizard discuss the current Kubernetes governance landscape and ways in which organizations can—and should—approach what has become a critical element in successful Kubernetes adoption.